Wednesday 30 November 2011

Brand new look!


I've finally managed to change my blog's look!

Credit to Spychip for the banner and the interweb for the background. The font goes to blogger and so do the colours. 

Okay, I'm too excited because it looks nice and I'm listening to my new album which is a-ma-zing!

Bye-Bie x

Monday 28 November 2011

The Agency Assignment 4

Hi guys, long time no see! So this is my TA assignment:

We had to edit it something and because (at the time) I was on a temp laptop I could only edit in minor things. So I edited in the makeup and nail varnish and fixed a few things. 

Friday 11 November 2011

Assignment 3 for The Agency

Wow I havn't updated in AGES!

Anyway's this is my entry for The Agency Assignment 3. We had to listen to a song on youtube and then   make a picture of how we imagined it! (Assignment taken from JKA's musical gallery I think)

Here it is: